Walpurgis Night - The Cry of the Witch

Tekst piosenki:

the house is surrounded fool, the infernal stake awaits only me
you're only fifteen silly boy, run away!
you don't know what love and life mean! Finally I don't need to flee
from these witchunters I won't flee anymore

Take me with you in the flame.. the fire will ake us eternal
flames will change my flesh as you didd with my soul

Darling, for you I've faced the earth entangling its darken gifts
and I've caught the vibrations of the water
for you I've captured the air, I gave you his breath, the fire of the stake
I will share it with you and death I'll embrace

the lovers were taken and togheter bonded at the same pile
the red flames burned high... no cryes were heard
When the fire died no rest of them where I found
but a new crimson star risen in the sky...

the house is quiet now and the satisfied witchunters are gone
other innocents were killed the day
how many crimson stars there will be in the darkest nights
how many lovers were killed for their spells?