M like Me - Sin And Forgiveness


tak latwo zapomniec
wszystkie swoje grzechy
Sprawic by zniknely
Lecz czemu tak ciezko
gdy nie sa nasze

To grzech i przebaczenie
Czynia nas ludzkimi istotami

Tak latwo zapomniec
Cudze grzechy gdy nas nie dotycza
Czemu tak trudno
Zapomniec je tu i teraz

Tekst piosenki:

It's so easy to forget
All your sins
You make them go away
But why it's so hard
Make them pass
If not ours

Its' a Sin
It's what make us
Human creatures

It's so easy to forget
All their sins when they're far away
But why it's so hard
Is so hard
Forget them now

Its' a Sin
It's what make us
Human creatures