Ezerath - Hand Of A Serth

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Lands far away I used to call home, A place of such beauty of such elegance. A place... a place... that I used to call home. And now it’s gone. Anamaya, it was called.

The scene of mint and lavender, The trees and flowers of such vivid color. Beyond your wildest dreams, Where the wind blows the most gentle breeze. Where the Sun always shines, And the moon never glows.

Such a place no longer remains, The Risen breached the walls, And slaughtered every last dweller.

I managed to survive, However in their wake, I may never birth heir. This curse of no longer able to bear, The day will come to birth heir.

So I shall send a raven North, Towards the Hills of Harpus, To beckon the hand of a Serth, And bestow offspring to Wryth as promised.

I was a stranger to the lands of Gnara, Thousands of miles travelled. No matter how far I went, The nightmares still return.

I arrived at Stonegate Castle, With nothing but the clothes on my back. Wryth showed me not to be afraid, Not to wither in the wind, Or shrivel in the rain.

So I shall send a raven North, Towards the Hills of Harpus, To beckon the hand of a Serth, And bestow offspring to Wryth as promised.

Not long after our introduction, we fell in love. The Nayan’s treated me as their own. My eternal debt is with their house, My repayment will be in flesh and blood.

Please forgive me Wryth, Should the Serth that I beckon, Not allow the gift of birth. Would that mark the end of us?

I must find a means to become whole, Wait, I must, to regain what they stole.

So I shall send a raven North, Towards the Hills of Harpus, To beckon the hand of a Serth, And bestow offspring to Wryth as promised.