Acranius - Crooked Leech

Tekst piosenki:

The castle stands upon the mountains peak
With snow that dances by its twisted spires.
The guards​ collect the homeless and the weak
And guide them to a house with beds and fires.

The men sing thanks and praise their ​gentle king
For giving them a home as winter swells.
The guards ​retreat as seven starts to ring
And echoes from the chapels aging bells.

Within the house the liquor starts to flow
The nature of men begins to show
When they demand a ​royal ​crown and cloak.

And echoes from the chapels aging bells.
Within the house the liquor starts to flow
The nature of men begins to show
When they demand a ​royal ​crown and cloak.

Horizons bend as daylight starts to fall
And stars once timid glisten in the dark.

As flames erupt and breathe a bellowed roar
The waves of orange engulf the men alive.
Their boiled blood expels from every pore;
By order of the​ court​; the leech will not survive.

The burning screams of dying men decay
As all the heat of their destruction thrives.
In breaths of ash the embers fly away;
As ordered by the ​court​; no man within survives.