Razörschrieck - Injection of Happiness

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Senseless eves, the pupils rolled up on the way to the light,
People in white are smiling at me - it's so suspicious...
Bright lights are droning out so nasty, the lanterns attract the night-flies,
I also want to be with them, to burn the wings in a candent glass!
My desire for self-destruction - nothing else
Than an attempt to say that I'm here,
Close to You, the same alive - of flesh and blood...
I can laugh the same, I can cry the same! Feel the pain!
I'm the same alive as you...
Listen ... Does the world need a pay for attention?
So here it is! I'm ready!
Charming, inimitable sick!
Terribly lovely dead!
My! Forever mine!
Pale, beautiful life!
Along, across screaming blades,
The time has come to reveal the self to the world!
Cocoon prevents from spreading the wings,
With skin will pluck the hateful cover!
Are you ready for the impendent miracle?
To see the birth-throe of death!
To glow brighter than the star flame
And fade away with me!
Charming, inimitable sick!
Terribly lovely dead!
MW Forever mine!
Pale, beautiful life!